SureDone Office Hours
Here’s the process for participating in Office Hours:
- Read the instructions.
- Click on the link below to register for the office hours at that time.
- Attend the office hours and ask your question.
What are Office Hours?
SureDone Office Hours, sometimes called “Ask a SureDone Expert”, is a trial program where you can ask questions, live, of a SureDone team member, through both audio and video. While answering your questions, we can demonstrate how to accomplish the task via screenshare, and you can follow up with additional questions.
Who can use SureDone Office Hours Today?
Customers in onboarding or customers spending $999+ in subscription fees.
How do I ask a question?
Use the webinar “Raise Hand” button to indicate you have a question, or enter it into the question window. When we get to your question we will unmute your microphone so you can with with us.
What is required to Participate?
Office hours requires that you have speakers and a microphone, or a headset with a microphone, attached to your computer and accessible through your web browser. This is live, and we may ask you questions and you’ll want to hear what we say!
What kinds of questions can we ask?
These sessions are primarily focused on general how-to’s and best practices. If you have questions about our API, automations, or complex questions, please use Asana, open a support ticket or speak with your onboarding representative.
Will you show me how to do things inside my account?
Since all Office Hours are public and recorded (keep this in mind when asking questions), we will use a demonstration account with fake information to show you how to do things. We will not log into your account in order to protect your company’s privacy and confidential information.